Peer Support

Help From Those Who Have Been There and Done It!

Looking for support from experienced breastfeeding parents in your community?

Parents who have breastfed or are currently breastfeeding can give you a lot of encouragement and support. Research shows that parents who receive help from other parents often breastfeed longer, feel happier and are more confident about breastfeeding.

In the Ottawa area you have lots of options. You can get parent-to-parent support by phone, by email and in person. It’s a great way to learn about breastfeeding before and after baby arrives.

Besides people known to you, here are sources of additional help from parents with first-hand breastfeeding experience:

La Leche League
(pronounced “la lay-chay” league, also known as “LLL”)   

On the phone, in virtual meetings, video-chats, and by email, help is available FREE OF CHARGE. For service in English and some other languages, visit La Leche League Canada, call  613-238-5919 or email:

Pour le service en français, visitez le site Ligue La Leche ou composez le 1-866-allaiter

For service in Arabic, call 343-700-3420, email

La Leche League International offers information in 12 languages under “Find Your Language”.

La Leche League Leaders are carefully screened, experienced breast and chest feeding parents trained to provide help and support to other parents. La Leche League has been helping families since 1956. Find LLLC virtual, hybrid and in-person meetings that fit your schedule, or find a La Leche League Leader in your neighbourhood for a one-on-one phone call or video-chat, using LLLC’s Interactive Map.  

La Ligue La Leche
(prononcé « la Létché », aussi connu sous l’abréviation « LLL »)

Ce groupe offre de l’aide GRATUITE au téléphone, en groupe ou par courriel.  Composez le 1-866-allaiter ou envoyez un courriel à  Les monitrices sont des femmes ayant une expérience d’allaitement d’un ou de plusieurs bambins et qui ont suivi la formation (une centaine d’heures) pour devenir monitrice. Fondée en 1956 par un groupe de mères de Chicago, La Leche League International n’aura mis que quatre ans pour migrer des rives du lac Michigan aux États-Unis, à celles de la rivière Saguenay. Ce page Web vous permettra de trouver un groupe situé près de chez vous :  Ligue La Leche.

Canadian Perinatal Nutrition Program, CPNP, or Buns in the Oven

Weekly meetings to provide support to improve the health and well being of pregnant women, new mothers and babies who have needs. Available in Ottawa in 7 sites. Learn to cook, eat together, and learn about your baby. Contact:  613-749-2491

Ottawa Multiple Breastfeeding Support 

A virtual program for all mothers of multiples or expecting multiples. Attend to learn the joys and realities of feeding multiples from other mothers, share experiences plus access free professional lactation support by an IBCLC.

Carlington Community Health Centre

Facilitated by Janice Sullivan RN BScN IBCLC

Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm

Zoom link

Please note that preregistration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For those providing breastfeeding support services, please send your updates to